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Posture Now debuted on Shark Tank a few years ago. But how does it perform. If you are not satisfied with one-paragraph Posture Now reviews, we’ve done the hard work to uncover the performance of this posture corrector.
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One of the well-known posture trainers available in the market today is PostureNow. The trainer gained mainstream attention when it was first unveiled at ABC TV’s Shark Tank. After the Shark Tank episode, inventors of the posture corrector have been featured at many news outlets, including Fox News, CNN, Lifetime Network, and Discovery Health.
PostureNow is one of the best posture correctors in the market. Below is my PostureNow corrector review and opinion of my experience with it.
Posture Now Review: Overview of The Shark Tank Posture Corrector
PostureNow trainer has two adjustable armbands that are connected by an adjustable elastic strap. A Velcro fastening secures each of the armbands around each biceps. There are three adjustment slots on each armband where the tails can be fed through and secured.
The PostureNow’s back strap is made of thin elastic material and is joined to each armband by a hard plastic loop connector. The elastic strap is attached on one side of the plastic connector. A short polyester strapping joins the other side to the armband. The strapping is reinforced at the connection point using a small piece of fabric and sewn into places onto the armband portion.
There is a hard plastic slide that allows adjusting the overall length of the back strap. Where the band attaches to the adjustment side, a small strip of reinforced elastic fabric is sewn into it. The fabric helps to support the stress area since it’s vulnerable to separation.
The cuff on each armband has a Velcro strap sewn on one side and a neoprene material on the other side. The side with the Velcro material is primarily soft. However, just about 1.25” on the upper side towards the tip of the strap is rough. The cuff is formed by attaching the two pieces of Velcro together.
The buckle end of the armband measures 3” and has three adjustment slots. Each side of the slot is reinforced with a vinyl-like material stitched all round. This makes the PostureNow one of the highest quality posture braces in the market as can be seen from customer reviews.
[wps_icon icon=”shopping-cart” background=”#e40303″ color=”#fff” size=”20″ padding=”10″ radius=”5″] See How PostureNow Looks Like
The PostureNow brace is well constructed and built to last.
Creators of the PostureNow Corrector
The creators of PostureNow correctors are Mile Lane and Matt Franklin. The two founded the company that makes the posture aids, Lane Franklin LLC, in March of 2009. The company is based in Portland, OR.

The two creators started the business with an initial investment of $10,000 and got funding from Mark Cuban to the tune of $100,000 to move the company forward. From 2009 to date, the PostureNow posture strap has continuously been rated as one of the best posture aids in the market.
The company’s official website is
PostureNow Corrector Sizes
To stop back pain using PostureNow, it’s important to use it correctly. This means getting the right size brace and wearing it for the minimum recommended time.
PostureNow brace comes into sizes: Regular and Extra-Large. Here are guidelines of the two sizes:
- Armband circumference: 8.25” – 15.5”
- Back strap length: 9.75” – 15.25”

Extra Large
- Armband circumference: 10.5” – 20.00”
- Back strap length: 13.5” – 22.5”

The length of the back straps and armbands of both the Regular and Extra-Large sizes are 2” in width.
Choosing the Right Size
Before ordering your PostureNow brace, it’s important to choose the right size. Here are the sizing guidelines:
- Regular: Men’s shirt size S, M and L. Women’s dress size: 14
- Extra-Large: Men’s shirt size XL and XXL. Women’s dress size: 16
If your biceps are larger than average or you have broad shoulders, follow the tips below to determine the ideal corrector size:
- Stand in “good posture” position. Your head should be up and the shoulders back.
- Use a tailor’s tape measure to measure the length from one side of your back under the armpit to the other across the lower side of your shoulder blades. You may need a friend to help you with the measurement. You should also measure the circumference of the upper side of the biceps.

- If your bicep circumference is less than 15.5” and the shoulder width is 15.25” or less, order the Regular size posture.
- If your bicep circumference is greater than 15.5” and the shoulder width is greater than 15.25”, go for the Extra Large posture brace.
Measure the circumference around your bicep - If your bicep circumference and shoulder measurements do not fall under these, use the measurements listed above to guide you.
If your upper body is abnormally shaped, chances are that neither of the sizes will fit you. For example, if you have large biceps while the shoulder widths are small, no sizes will fit. Confirm your measurements before ordering the PostureNow brace.
How to Fit the PostureNow Posture Strap
Go through the manufacturer’s instructions to know how to fit the PostureNow corrector. Below are the fitting steps:
- Begin by adjusting the tension band on the back strap. You can reduce or increase the tension band using the plastic slide. Adjust the strap so that it’s about the width of your chest, from one armpit to the other. While adjusting the length, make sure the band is not stretched. It should be in a relaxed position.
Use the slide to adjust the tension strap to the width of your chest - Each armband should be adjusted so that it’s a little larger than the circumference of your upper bicep.
Adjust the arm cuff so that it’s slightly larger than circumference of bicep
- Get your arm through one of the cuffs and move it towards the upper arm. Confirm that the adjustment slots are at the backside of the arms in the triceps area. When the cuffs reach the armpit, adjust them as necessary. Do not overtighten the cuffs as this can lead to problems with circulation.
Once you have one arm through the cuff and slid up your arm, put the other cuff on as you would a jacket
- Get the other cuff using your free arm and slide the arm through it as you would when wearing a jacket. Adjust the cuff as necessary when it reaches your armpit area.
- Get into the correct posture position and examine the tension band in the mirror. The band should be stretched across your back without any slack. Also, confirm that the band does not have any tension. In case of extra tension, remedy the situation by either shortening or lengthening the band until it reaches the desired tension.

There are a number of points to keep in mind when fitting PostureNow posture brace.
To begin, adjust the arm cuffs to ensure it is not too tight nor too loose. If the cuffs are too tight, they will restrict blood flow in your body and make you start feeling numb. You will also be annoyed with the constant tension of straps that are too tight.
Apart from this, adjust the tension strap to the right length. If the straps are too long, you will not be aware when you begin to slouch. This will defeat the whole process of wearing the posture aid.
[wps_icon icon=”shopping-cart” background=”#e40303″ color=”#fff” size=”20″ padding=”10″ radius=”5″] Read Instructions at Official Posture Now Site
How Does PostureNow Corrector Work?
PostureNow corrector does not provide support. Instead, it retrains the core muscles of the body to allow you to sit up straight and maintain good posture.
According to many physio-experts, wearing devices that exclusively provide support can ultimately end up weakening the postural muscles. This is because the devices do the work of your muscles instead of the muscles working for themselves.
If you learn how to maintain good posture, a posture training system would a better option to use. With time, you will not need to wear the device as your muscles’ memory will take over.
When you wear PostureNow strap, you will not feel the tension of the elastic band on your back. When your body begins to hunch over, the elastic band will stretch and create a noticeable tension on your back. This will prompt you to voluntarily sit up and pull your shoulders back until you no longer feel the tension.
Wearing the posture strap will retrain your posture. According to the manufacturer, you should wear the PostureNow for 10 to 30 minutes and a minimum of 30 days. Over the days, your muscles will start retraining and you will end up able to maintain the correct posture even without wearing the corrector.
Cost of the PostureNow Posture Strap
The cost of the PostureNow corrector is $46.90 (which includes a $7.95 shipping fee). If you order multiple devices, you will not be charged additional shipping for them.
The overall cost of the PostureNow is quite affordable given its quality and functionality.
Moneyback Guarantee
PostureNow comes with a 30-days moneyback guarantee, which is the standard offered by most posture aid manufacturers.
Posture Now Problems
Before I ordered my Posture Now back brace, I was doing research on Amazon to see whether customers had any issues with it. Some of the Posture Now problems I found included:
- The device is difficult to wear
- It slips off the body to easily
- Does not fit overweight flabby people
- The straps are not tight enough for thinner people
From the problems I see, the main thing is about the sizing. Most people that had problems did not order the right size of the strap.
Still, I went further and contacted the manufacturer at to find out whether they sell their product on Amazon. I was informed that the company does not sell its posture braces on Amazon. It seems the listing on Amazon was a knockoff looking to ride on the good brand name of PostureNow.
I was relieved.
With that, it was time to order my Posture Now brace corrector. I ordered the brace from (this is the official manufacturer’s website). Don’t order on Amazon as you are likely to get a knock-off product.
PostureNow Posture Brace Review: My Experience
My PostureNow corrector arrived in a small white box. On top of the box, the size I’d ordered, “Regular”, was printed as well as the UPC number. For my review, I tested both the Regular and Extra Large sizes.
When I opened the box, I saw the fitting instructions and a “Thank You” note from the creators, Mike and Matt. The posture device was wrapped inside a small plastic bag,
I took the posture brace and followed the fitting instructions. To begin, I adjusted the back strap and the arm cuffs and fit my arms in them. I mistakenly tightened the cuffs too much, which made me start feeling numb after a few minutes of sitting down. I had to untighten the cuffs to a different position that was more comfortable.
I sat on my computer and got working. While working, I unknowingly leaned my shoulders forward as I am used to. The band exerted some tension in the center of my back. This made me pull the shoulders back and the tension reduced.
While it is recommended to wear PostureNow corrector for 30 minutes, I wore it for about an hour to get accustomed. When wearing the corrector, I could feel the tension on my back whenever I started to slouch forward. The device really got my attention any time I started slouching.
I wore the PostureNow posture strap for the next 14 days while at work and at home. I also wore it while at the gym. I found that the 30 minutes requirement for wearing the posture aid is possible. As I was working, I became more aware of my posture. I knew that whenever I wanted to slouch, the corrector will apply tension at the center of my back. This made me maintain the correct posture.
During the first week, I was able to maintain the correct posture most of the time. Even when I removed the posture aid, I found myself being aware of the slouch and would often know when I’m about to slouch and quickly correct my posture.
By the end of the second week, I noticed a big improvement in the awareness of my posture. Even when not wearing the PostureNow, I found myself not slouching. I knew the corrector was working.
I wore the PostureNow corrector many times, for example, while doing the dishes and while at the gym. One thing I noticed is that unlike other posture correctors I’ve tried, the PostureNow did not prevent me from moving. There is, of course, the constant stretching of the band when doing activities that require you to bend. I would suggest you wear the corrector when doing activities that doing require bending, for example, walking or while standing.
How Does the PostureNow Conceal?
One of the things you may be wondering is whether PostureNow conceals well when worn under the clothes.
During my test, I was wearing the corrector underneath my clothing. The surprising thing is that it was barely noticeable. None of my colleagues at work noticed I had a corrector.
PostureNow is thin and cannot be seen when worn underneath clothing. Of course, the arm cuff lines and back strap will be seen if you wear skin-tight clothing.
You will have to adjust the PostureNow corrector depending on whether you are wearing it underneath or over your clothing.
My Verdict
I loved the results I got from using PostureNow. When you wear it correctly and are committed to retraining your muscles, you will start maintaining good posture within a few days. I also prefer this posture corrector because it retrains the muscles rather than supporting them to good posture.
Wearing the posture corrector for at least 30 minutes a day will help improve your posture. The best time to wear the corrector is while standing or seated. While I also wore the corrector while engaging in physical activities, I did not find it effective as I was constantly stretching the elastic band when bending.
Overall, this is one of the best posture correctors in the market.
[wps_icon icon=”shopping-cart” background=”#e40303″ color=”#fff” size=”20″ padding=”10″ radius=”5″] Read Other Customers’ Reviews
- Retrains the muscles to allow you to stand in the correct posture
- Produces long term results
- 30 days money-back guarantee
- Affordable (check price)
- Conceals underneath the clothing
- Is a posture trainer and not a support brace
- Only requires a commitment of 30 minutes a day’
- Comfortable when working properly
- Well-built and durable.
- It can be difficult to choose the right size
- If your biceps are large, the strap can be too small
- Can be a little difficult to put on and take off
[wps_icon icon=”shopping-cart” background=”#e40303″ color=”#fff” size=”20″ padding=”10″ radius=”5″] Buy PostureNow From the Official Manufacturer’s Website